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Writer's pictureFellowship Cast

Come Sail Away

Adding introduction to address potential confusion. The ship in the following post represents FOC. This post is 100% revelation that has been judged as the voice of God. This revelation is made up of four season of time...

  • Season 1, current season, titled Broken Victorious, paragraphs 1 - 12

  • Season 2, next future season, titled Hope Victorious, paragraphs 13 - 14

  • Season 3, future season, titled Hidden Vision Victorious, paragraphs 15 - 16

  • Season 4, future season, titled Vision Victorious, paragraphs 17 - 19

The titles for each subsequent season were obtained from the names written on the "ship" during that season. Due to the size of this revelation, to facilitate discussion and conversation we chose to number each paragraph (the symbol ¶ represents paragraph). Broken Victorious (current season) ¶1. “The Ship” – An old wooden ship with a mast and sails and a captain's wheel, like a Christopher Columbus ship. The ship looked ragged and voyaged, with 3 large masts; the front mast was broken and hanging on, the center mast was intact and strong, the rear mast was down. The ship has port holes in the side… maybe some openings for huge oars. ¶2. The ship is docked in port, there is a sense of gratitude for safe harbor. There was also a contingent of people working hard to keep the ship functioning and going. Our message is still going out strong and clear, even further than the ship can sail. ¶3. There was a large, powerful-looking cruise ship, a “Mother Ship”, fueling lots of little ships being sent out. Support boats are approaching, with plans for repair and re-provisioning taking place. There is a weariness, a feeling of forlorn and behind that apprehension. ¶4. Feeling of being “alone” although the ship has many others aboard. Singing – there is joy on board. The people on the top level are waving flags and celebrating. There are others inside the ship on the main level and others in the bowels of the ship. They are sick, suffering, and stuck, yelling to be let out. There are tiny windows near the water line, and I can see all those folks pressed against the windows. We are meant to help those who feel like they are drowning. There are many already equipped with a variety of skills to help. There is false joy, religious in nature, that needs to be called out. “Turn to me, Take in my healing water” be healed and repaired. ¶5. There is a skeleton crew working to get everyone back on board. I know that the ship must get back out. We are a rescue vessel that must stay afloat to rescue the lost and weary. "Calling all lost and sinking ships at sea, come aboard where it is safe. Bring your friends and lost loved ones along". ¶6. Ship still docked. Lots of people wearing colorful cloths and activity on the deck; scrubbing, repairing, cleaning windows. People pitching in to help repair, clean and heal... coming together. The people in the bottom have been brought up, given roles. We have lost some people. ¶7. Realization that the ship is like an “ark”, we have been gathered for safety. The Lord on the mother ship is preparing us to set sail. We will receive the messages we need beforehand. There is a map of the world with lines taking us to specific destinations across the Atlantic. ¶8. The Mother Ship has recharged us to go out on mission, feeding the masses, with miracles in store and full provision for us. We are in the healing process, turned towards the hearts, relationships, perspectives that need repair. More people are involved in harmony with sense of purpose becoming clearer. ¶9. We need to go on our voyage, to a new land, and everything we have left behind is gone. The ship white now, moving slowly, pointed straight out of the dock towards sea. There is a resistance, fear that we are not ready and don't want to leave the dock. Need to cut the ties to the dock. We are “shipping out”. The ship is starting to turn toward open water. “Come Sail Away” song, the pop song. Gd is guiding us/FOC away from a snake/evil. Move forward, don’t look back. Looking at the sky in the morning/Asheville. Clouds were sleds with others riding, being pulled along, 2-4 people in each sled, infinitely growing. ¶10. Our ship is in the middle of many other ships in the water around them doing the same thing. It’s quiet on the sea… as the ship creaks and sways a bit as it rolls along over the gentle swells. The captain is Jesus and he is steering the ship, rolling with the swells on the sea, headed towards the horizon, without worries. Blue skies, calm ocean waves, and crew on deck moving in unison for each appointed task. ¶11. There is unity of purpose; confidence in Captain Jesus, the ship moving forward with a mission. Many workers on board, many hands, and hearts. Skilled workers on deck and below deck, doing their jobs. Our ship is moving at a fast clip. Jesus was bending over the rail with a bucket, scooping up sea water and then pouring the whole bucket on the people on the ship. As he scoops and pours out the sea water it becomes Holy Water once it is in His hands. Pouring out on everyone that is on the ship's deck. He is really enjoying doing this. It brings Him much joy. Orders being called out; wind, movement, creaking wood, the sails billowing in the stiff wind, seagulls crying, splashes of ocean waters, all hands on the deck. The ships' bells ring 2 times twice, "Steady On".

¶12. It is night and the ship is getting ready to turn. There was a sense of anticipation for that turn into an exciting place, into deeper waters. “We are headed for Miracles”. Hope Victorious (next future season) ¶13. The ship is back out to open seas. The sky is dark with red hues, a large storm forming. The ship is small in proportion to the single center mast, and very small as compared to the storm. On one side fading blue skies, on the other side the storm, sail is at full billow and the ship is skirting the edge super-fast. There is a big red crucifixion cross painted on the sides of the ship. The crew is small, and the ship is laden based on how it is cutting the waters. There is a sense of fatigue, purpose, optimism and there remains apprehension. The ship must go into the storm. ¶14. The ship real, rough, strong going into choppy and now in choppy water. Were a headed to where many people are in that choppy water and frightened seeing no help. The helpers on the FOC ship are going into the waters, diving - some with smaller lifeboats, and even an innertube life raft. "We sing holy, holy, holy ... Pour out your power and love ... We sing holy, holy, holy." Some are swimming under the water and then popping up way out of the water. Gd Swam under water with me. We explored through seaweed and it turned into Thick slippery green tentacles, very hard to swim through and easy to move out of the way. It was very dark. Tentacles were attached under water to a source, like a tree, oak tree, big, thick trunk spreading to many thick branches, strong enough to expand to infinite branches. We gently, kindly pick up the people, holding them and bringing them to safety on board. We feel peace and rest in this as each is confident, knowing what is needed, confident. On the ship of workers there is laughter joy, they are not afraid of the choppiness or waves but make it a hilarious life of pleasure and abundant life Hidden-Vision Victorious (future season) ¶15. The ship has turned into the midst of the storms, its dark, lightning flashes, thunder booms, seas crash. The sails are down, there are oars rowing. Yet the propulsion is still fast even though its dark, navigation is not by stars, sight, or sound. ¶16. The ship is moving slowly now, there is a paddle wheel on the back. I see flares cutting the darkness with illumination. There is another ship, larger and stationary. When we approach, the crew is joyous, worshipping God with great thanksgiving at the rescue. Sparkly gala, much celebration on board. Lots of colors and confetti. Free!!! In the flow and free. We feel his smile. More than half the crew comes aboard. One of our navigators boards the larger ship, along with provisions. There is a strong sense of purpose. The ship must continue moving in the storm. Vision Victorious (future season) ¶17. The storm has intensified, our ship navigates with great speed. The previous scene repeats, with the following exceptions: provisions now include munitions, crew exchanges are minimal. Consistent; flares, rejoicing, deposit of navigators Each time the, still ships are once again set in motion. There are now enemy ships chasing and attempting to stop/block our ship. There is a sense of reservation. We know that our ship has been targeted. ¶18. I am sending you to impact “the 4 corners of the world” with the message of peace (shalom) so as to be reconciled to God It is daytime. This time we were in an old boat fishing. In some ways it was like the boat in the storm that Jesus and disciples were in when Jesus was sleeping. Someone was in the front boat looking toward the future and smiling, almost a clown like smile. We had let down our net into the water and were pulling up on the side of the boat a huge catch. It took more than one person to pull it in!!! There is a sense of joy and laughter of the Master and us as we participate with Him doing His will!! FOC is a simple log raft, with a white sail, Moving upriver, steadily. Dark rocks on the sides of river, Green grass next to that, Feeling the gentle breeze, Calm, Future is open for dreaming, hope. The boat coming ashore at our destination and people (workers in God’s kingdom) welcoming us. We will bring healing. And be a bright light. Sent by God. He is with us…. missionaries. ¶19. We are now in the Mother Ship. There are huge swells because we are way out in the ocean (in the deep). It is night, though it is dark, I see the boat completely lit up. We are and we shall be a light in the darkness of this world. The boat is steady and can handle it with no problem. These are not scary swells, they’re exciting and enjoyable. We are completely at rest. The Master is in the boat with us. We are joined to Him. He is the captain. “Aye, Aye Captain!” Come Your kingdom and Your will to FOC, individually and corporately!

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