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Victory Prayers

From Jeff Bizik's sermon on Sunday, Oct. 24, 2021

Victory Decree

A Decree from Psalm 20

We decree and establish our future that:

  • our trust, hope and faith is found in God alone

  • our cry for deliverance has been heard and answered by God

  • we are established safely on high

  • we receive supernatural help and support from heaven

  • we accept God manifesting miracles

  • we will all watch Gods salvation/deliverance as cancer collapses, perishes and is defeated

  • we will fly a flag, praise, rejoice and celebrate the Goodness of our loving God

Victory Prayer - Giants

Declaration from Davids words in 1Sam17…

I stand before the Giant of ______ in the name of God Almighty, this day God of the angel armies will deliver you into my hand, with His Word I strike _______ dead. Anything that raises up against the Lords chosen will know the power of God and everyone shall know the battle is the Lords.

Victory Prayer - Situations

Declaration from Moses words in Exe14

Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the _____ that you see today, you shall not see again forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. Tell <person> to go forward. Lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the obstacles and divide it. Then the enemy will know that I am the Lord.

Victory Prayer - Strongholds

Declaration from Joshuas words in Jos6, plus 1Chr34:26

For 6 straight days;

I will appear before the stronghold of _______ and sound the shofar (x1) and bring the presence of the Lord.

On day 7;

I will appear before the stronghold of _______ and sound the shofar (x7) and bring the presence of the Lord. “Save ______, I praise the God of Salvation, I thank Jehovah Rapha for triumph against _____.” Today I will make a great shout “Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His mercy endures forever.” “Today the Lord has placed ____ in my hand and I speak to _____ and say your permanently, miraculously, eradicated, from in/on _____ and exist never more.”

Victory Prayer - Refreshing

Declaration from Isaiah 35

Declaring that ____ is blessed with:

  • Every dry and barren place will burst forth with abundant splendor, magnificent beauty and the awesome glory of God.

  • ____ is strengthened, ____ is energized, ____ says “Look, here comes my God! He is breaking through to give me victory!”

  • The blind will see, the deaf hear, the lame leap and _____ will sing a song of triumph

  • ____ will find the pathway of holiness leading to rejoicing with everlasting joy.

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