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Fork in the Road

A revelation received by Jeff Bizik on August 8, 2021, specifically for an international church.

Revelation… (What was received – see, hear, sense, feel, know)

I see a road with a fork, where there is a kind of intersection - the road heads left and the road heads right. Both roads lead into the same town.

The road on the right leads up the hill and into the city center, continues up the hill a little farther to a large old cathedral. The cathedral has been neglected and is in much need of repair. The foundation is firm, the structure strong, the roof needs repair, everything needs to be cleaned and restored. Fast-forward, I see the cathedral in its magnificence. it’s breathtaking. The stain-glass windows, the sculptures, the altar, the pipe organ are restored to their grandeur. The cathedral is full of life and people. The people are aristocrats, educated, business owners, government officials, cultural personalities and the famous. The people come from all over; locally, regionally, and even nationally. I see the pastor preaching from the pulpit a message of Kingdom Reformation. There are baskets where people place their offerings, which overflow into heaps.

The road on the left leads down the hill and alongside a river into a section of town that looks like old concrete block warehouses. There are pairs of warehouses and rows of them over many blocks. The warehouses need repair with many having the appearance of being vacant. The foundations are firm, and the structures are strong. The rooves require repair, windows need to be replaced, junk needs to be removed, and lots of cleaning is needed. I see the pastor talking to a very large group of people forming from all directions. They are joining the others to work, to repair, to clean. And while they do this they are singing. Fast-forward, now the renovation has become a lively community. There is a courtyard surrounded by warehouses. One warehouse is a church, one is an orphanage, one is a community learning center. Many are mission houses, and one is a kitchen with hundreds of tables. One is a business where donations are left, works restored and donated items resold to the lines of customers.

Interpretation (What does this mean - ponder deeply, ask for understanding)

I’m shown a point-in-time coming near where a decision will be taken that will lead towards purpose. Both choices will lead towards advancing the Kingdom of God. Both choices have an amazing outcome, and both are needed. Both require acquisition and lots of work. The pastor represents your current leadership and church community.

I perceive the road up to the cathedral will be ministering to upper class. And it’s positioning on the hill above city center indicates visibility and prominence. I have the sense this to be a kingly anointing, where there will be leadership and government of people with far-reaching influence. Provision seems to flow after renovation.

I perceive the road down and along the river will be ministering to working class. I perceive the river to be significant, representing the need for the constant flow of Holy Spirit. (Baptisms too.) I have the sense this will be a priestly anointing, where there will be serving, saving, delivering, healing, to those most in need. Provision seems to arrive before renovation and then continues after renovation.

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