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A revelation received by Jeff Bizik in Autumn 2004

Revelation… (What was received – see, hear, sense, feel, know)

Jesus comes up out of the water. He has a smile on his face and looks refreshed. He’s laughing, creating an overwhelming sense of joy to rise up within me. I’m standing on the bank, watching him, with a smile on my face. Jesus looks over at me with a beckoning look and nod of his head as if to say come on in. I wonder; is the water cold? is the water deep? I was just splashed, hold on, did he… Sure enough, Jesus is laughing and splashing me. I jump in to join the fun and splash back. Wait, this is not ordinary water. The consistency is thicker, heavier, almost like oil, yet it feels lighter and cleaner on my skin than water. Oh yeah, I’m swimming with Jesus. He’s right next to me; with a smile, he reaches out his hand and dunks me under. I’m in complete disbelief, my eyes and mouth shut tight, holding my breath, all the time thinking Jesus dunked me under. I open my eyes to clearly see the smiling face of Jesus, and, looking me right in the eye, he says “Breathe.” I shake my head and without opening my mouth attempt to present the facts of drowning. Again, Jesus says “Breathe.” I’m afraid; he’s not letting go; my struggle is senseless. Still looking face to face with me, Jesus says “Breathe.”At this point I start to feel a freedom to trust my loving Savior, I breathe. He releases me, momentarily awkward; the water feels smooth and silky, denser, and richer than air. I’m okay, peace, Jesus did know best; again, I’m flooded with happiness. The water has a pleasant taste of sweetness on my lips; it is strength, power and life. The water is instantly revitalizing.

Jesus dove down, I followed, still breathing water. Jesus looked at me and asked, “What do you see?” I see water, perfectly clear without any distortion. I feel perfectly safe. I also feel like nothing is more important to Jesus than I am. I looked down, and as deep and as high as I can see is water. I looked from side to side and all around. I see water, seemingly forever in all directions. Then Jesus says, “I love you more than all this.” The word “more” bounces around inside of me like an echo. Here I am underwater, completely surrounded by the enormous forever love of Jesus. Crying tears of inexpressible gratitude and joy. Surrounded by a love too big, too awesome for words, a love exponential in size, a love multiplying over and over and then “more.”

The next time I returned to the water and met Jesus I dove right in. Splashing, kicking, stroking. I’m finding myself having to work a bit to reach him. I’m feeling excited full of anticipation. Jesus just floats, patiently waiting for me. Now I’m working, swimming hard, starting to feel frustrated. I’m not tired, however, I’m swimming with all my might. I can’t reach him. What am I doing wrong? Am I swimming against a current? But if that’s the case so also is Jesus. I noticed Jesus isn’t splashing and flailing as I am. I stop swimming and immediately realize I am floating. Wow, cool, I can relax, no work, no efforts, it’s almost too simple and peaceful. Now as soon as I started to float Jesus instantaneously is floating near. Jesus asks me “what are you working so hard to do?” I answer “to be near you.” Jesus smiles sweetly, and says, “just float and I’ll be near.” Just to see his smile fills me with acceptance; oddly his smile also fills me with patience. There’s no rush, I’m floating with Jesus, nothing else to accomplish; we’re just together, floating.

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