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A revelation received by Steve Weikert on December 5, 2021

Revelation… (What was received – see, hear, sense, feel, know)

I could see a bride sitting before me. I was off to her right, and there was a beautiful veil over her face – not over the front but over the sides. I never got to see her face. She was gazing into the horizon, like when you go to the beach and look at the horizon. The gaze and her head were looking far off. Then a bright light came on the scene. It didn’t move in, it just appeared. This bright light was off to her left. I immediately started looking at the light. The bride didn’t move her gaze; it was still on the horizon. She didn’t turn, no movement. I also thought I saw pearls woven into the veil. But this bright light was so glorious; it was gold, gold streams, yellow streams, white streams, bright white streams and translucent white streams making up this light. It was brighter than the sun but had no warmth. There was a compelling movement of love that you just felt drawn to it. It was drawing towards you, and I felt it drawing me in. I just stopped looking at the bride and was looking at the light. At first I didn’t see anything it was so brilliant. It did not burn gazing into it. After a short period, maybe 10-20 seconds, Jesus comes through the light. Now in what I am going to share, Jesus was having this conversation with the bride. I felt like a fly on the wall; I was allowed to observe it. I was not included as if this was a message directly for me, I was observing and being a witness. Jesus' focus is on the bride; as I said earlier, He arrives on her left. Easily the bride's head (the church) turns to her groom and towards the glorious brilliance of His face. Jesus has a line of gift bearers to His right, coming to bestow gifts in the bride's lap. Jesus says, “My bride, I am opening your eyes wider, you are awakening to my joy in abundance, I am putting a sparkle in your eye as you gaze into the glory of My Father. I have more gifts for you. My Spirit is preparing you for this glorious time ahead. Gaze into My face. Walk into My glory. The times at hand, that life, will display My light, My glory, My grace through you. Open your hands for the much more that is coming. I saw Jesus turn to a gift bearer, nod His head and move His hands gesturing to give it to the bride. The gift bearer would come and put the gift on the bride's lap. She would open it. She didn’t set it aside or put it on the floor; it was absorbed into her. And, Jesus would turn to the next gift bearer and nod His head, and the next gift bearer would bring the gift.Not all the gifts looked the same; some were shoebox-sized, some small like a ring, some large like a birthday gift. One was even wrapped like a birthday present. Then He said: “There’s much more healing, peace, abundance of joy, and eternal love.”

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